Automatic Filtered Water System versus Bottled Water


As demonstrated below, Fleet Parts Australia could realise a saving of

$ {{(bottles*cost*5*12)-(coolerRented*540*5) | number}} in just 5 years!




Bottled Water Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
Bottled Water $ {{bottles*12*cost | number}}- $ {{bottles*12*cost | number}}- $ {{bottles*12*cost | number}}- $ {{bottles*12*cost | number}}- $ {{bottles*12*cost | number}}-
Cooler Rental $ {{coolerRented*bottledWatercooler}}- $ {{coolerRented*bottledWatercooler}}- $ {{coolerRented*bottledWatercooler}}- $ {{coolerRented*bottledWatercooler}}- $ {{coolerRented*bottledWatercooler}}-
Cumulative Cost $ {{bottles*12*cost*1 | number}}- $ {{bottles*12*cost*2 | number}}- $ {{bottles*12*cost*3 | number}}- $ {{bottles*12*cost*4 | number}}- $ {{bottles*12*cost*5 | number}}-

Automatic Watercooler Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
Bottled Water $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
Yearly Rental $ {{coolerRented*540 | number}}- $ {{coolerRented*540 | number}}- $ {{coolerRented*540 | number}}- $ {{coolerRented*540 | number}}- $ {{coolerRented*540 | number}}-
Cumulative Cost $ {{coolerRented*540*1 | number}}- $ {{coolerRented*540*2 | number}}- $ {{coolerRented*540*3 | number}}- $ {{coolerRented*540*4 | number}}- $ {{coolerRented*540*5 | number}}-

Hence, the Aquastream Filtered Watercooler System is saving money from day one

and will save you over ${{(bottles*cost*5*12)-(coolerRented*540*5) | number}} in the next 5 years!


Plus added advantages of no storage space for bottles and assured constant supply!

Freecall 1800 446 500
(Based on average industry costs at 1 January 2014. Inflation not taken into account. All costs GST exclusive)


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