Healthcare Water Purification Systems & Consumables

Aquastream works closely with hospital, health and aged care facilities across Australia providing water treatment and filtration solutions (including Billi spare parts), helping to produce safe, pure water to meet stringent standards.

Purified water is an essential resource within all hospital & healthcare environments, vital across a diverse range of applications to ensure that contaminants are not introduced into subsequent stages of critical processes such as sterilisation, infection control, and endoscopy and dental and patient drinking water.


Solutions for Hospitals

Aquastream works closely with Australian hospitals, delivering quality filtration equipment and supplies for many areas including mains water filtration, legionella & bacteria control, endoscopy, CSSD, dental, kitchens, drinking water and steam generation.

Our committment to Australian healthcare is reflected in every contact with our team. Trust is at the core of every decision, Committment to every client regardless of revenue and Integrity in every transaction.




Solutions for Aged Care

Aged care facilities are an integral part of the Australian economy, providing essential care for older Australians who have helped shape this country.

Aquastream supports Aged Care facilities with quality water solutions for areas including boiling & chilled drinking water, kitchens, rainwater recycling and mains water filtration.

Facility maintenance staff benefit from our expertise from over 25 years of combined industry knowlege.